Frequently Asked questions

Be gentle with the henna paste, it’s fragile and flakes off easily.
Keep warm to help the henna dye darken.
• For the darkest stain leave the paste on as long as possible,
4-8 hours or even overnight.
• If your henna was sprayed with lemon sealant, let the paste flake
off naturally over several hours.
• If your henna was wrapped keep it on for 4-8 hours for best color.

Peel off the wrap or flake off the paste. If the paste is sticking or
hard to remove, use a paper towel and lemon juice or vegetable oil
(corn, olive, canola) to gently rub off henna paste.

To remove any sticky bits of tape adhesive use a little
finger nail polish remover.

To keep your mehndi looking best:
• Avoid contact with water for the first 12 – 24 hours.
Water prevents the fresh henna stain from darkening.
• Protect the design when bathing or swimming. Coat the area with a
layer of vegetable oil before getting wet.
• Soaking in water, shaving, and the rubbing of clothing and shoes
causes the design to fade more quickly.
• Your new design will be a light orange color when the paste is first
removed. Over the next 2 days the dye will oxidize and the stain
will become darker and richer in color.
• The duration of the stain and depth of color depend on the area
of body and length of time the paste remained on your skin.

Please remember only natural red-brown henna is safe for your skin. Black
henna has chemicals added that can blister and scar the skin and may
cause long term damage to your body.